We are a multidisciplinary team that has been creating learning experiences with and about emergent technologies since 2014.
Our mission is to allow people to empower themselves to thrive in the technological future. Our team is made up of pedagogues, makers, engineers, designers and educators with many years of experience in educational technology. Some of us have been teaching robotics for years, and are devoted to bringing the maker movement to education or supporting STEAM projects like FIRST robotics competitions.
In 2017, we realized that the exponential speed of technology is about to revolutionize our world and that there are very few educational projects allowing people to develop skills for that future reality. We began working on Bucky, which brought us to Kickstarter in 2018 and to a journey that helped us grow as an EdTech startup.
Then 2020 arrived and with it COVID-19, causing the education system as we know it to be disrupted. Learning now occurs mainly at home and it is not at all common to have a makerspace for your kids in your garage. We realized that there are many families struggling with home office and homeschooling so we began working on bringing everything that we learnt with Bucky at schools and makerspaces to families at home.